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Normal Length and Weight for Babies 6 Months, along with their Development

The length and weight of a 6-month-old baby, can be used as a benchmark for growth and development of infants. In addition, measuring the head circumference of the baby is also important to ensure that the baby does not experience health problems. In addition to these three things, there are several baby development factors that parents should pay attention to. Sleep habits, communication skills, and eating patterns, are some forms of development of the Little One that needs attention.

Average Length and Weight for a 6-Month Baby

Length and weight, as well as the baby's head circumference, should be the primary concern of parents in following the baby's growth and development. The length of the baby at the age of 6 months increases 1-2 cm from the previous month, which is 61.5 to 70 cm for baby girls, Compared to the weight of a 5 month baby, the weight of a 6 month baby should be increased. Normal weight at this age is 6-9.5 kg for female babies, while for male babies ranging from 6.5-10 kg. Generally a 6 month baby weighs around 85-140 grams per week. At this age babies have also begun to be introduced to solid foods as complementary foods for breast milk. As for head circumference, the normal size for a 6 month baby is 40 to 45 cm. The circumference of the head, length, and body weight of the 6 month baby has been measured routinely since the newborn. From here the doctor can monitor the baby's development. Head circumference in infants describes brain development. A baby's head that is smaller than it should be called microcephalus. This condition occurs because the brain does not develop properly or its development stops before it reaches a normal size. While the head size is larger than average can occur due to hydrocephalus. In this condition, there is a buildup of fluid in the brain, and will affect the baby's brain development.

Monitor 6-month baby development

In addition to the baby's 6 month weight and other benchmarks in the physical growth of the baby, the baby's developmental level must also be considered, including:
  • Sleeping habits

  • 6-month babies generally often have difficulty falling asleep. There are babies who can only sleep only when held first to sleep, or have to cry before bedtime. In this condition, parents should be more aware of the baby's movements, to prevent him from falling out of bed. Parents should make a bedtime routine that makes babies feel comfortable. You also have to make sure the baby is safe while he sleeps.
  • Communication

  • In addition to the baby's 6-month weight gain, communication skills have also increased. Babies can smile, laugh, respond to others, and invite to play. In order to improve communication and language skills, you can read stories regularly. Baby 6 months have also begun to respond to the atmosphere around him. Make your baby play in front of a mirror, then talk to and get to know his reflection. From here, babies will learn about the social, visual, and emotional development world.
  • Dietary habit

  • 6 months baby weight gain can be supported by proper eating. At this age, babies can start to get solid food as complementary foods for breast milk. For starters, give cereal that has been crushed with breast milk or formula milk. Babies will adapt to soft and semisadat food like this, before eating foods that are really solid.
Many factors must be considered besides the length and weight of a 6 month baby. Besides physical growth, there are also other developments of the baby that need attention, such as habits and ability to interact. Keep consulting your pediatrician to make sure the baby's growth and development goes well and according to his age.
